BROKEN (Five Minute – Free Write)

IMG_7497 (Edited)

Shine On

A fragile vase sits upon a pedestal, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight through
the window, when all of sudden BAM! The window breaks, as a ball propels it forward
onto the hardwood floor. It is broken. Pieces seem to be strewn all over.

The vase will never be the same.

Is there strong enough glue to keep it together?

Will it retain the water to feed the flowers that are placed inside of the vase?

You can hear the crunch of the glass, as the ball rolls to a stop and the final pieces fall…clink, clink, and crunch. Then there is a mysterious…Silence. The parts are brushed together into a small pile… sharp edges, flawed, and imperfect. Waiting… Wondering…

Suddenly a warm healing light appears that will help restore its splendor. This light of strength sees the magnificent beauty of the pieces. With the strength of a father and heart of a mother, this Shining Light gets to work. The pieces are glued one, by one in a unique and beautiful pattern. No, it will never be the same fragile vase it was before, the initial core is the same, but this vase has even MORE strength and beauty from within.

There is LIFE to it again. It will no longer be placed up high on a pedestal. It will sit at the family table and breathe in the miracles around it. Flowers can again be placed inside to be nurtured and cared for. That “vase” which was once broken and lost has been now been found and RESTORED with eternal love.

Movie Review – “Hello, My Name is Doris”



These four words describe the main character in, “Hello, My Name is Doris.”

This laugh out loud comedy with dramatic moments engages you from the start when you meet the vintage loving, clutter collecting, slightly clueless, romantic Doris, (spectacularly played by Sally Fields).  It is an adventure from the start, as you get inside the head of the character; and her various fixations and daydreams after she meets the new art director where she works.  That Doris, with her mismatched, crazy wardrobe, actually works in this hip company environment provides laughs and more than a few jabs at the perceived millennial mindset.

Like all misperceptions, this movie reminds you that what you see isn’t always what you think. The handsome, but old soul Art Director (played by Max Greenfield), sees beyond the outward appearance of “Doris” and befriends her after a series of well-played Doris-driven opportunities. He develops an unlikely friendship with her, unaware she is pining for him romantically.

The movie pokes fun at the generational divide: aging versus younger, tech-savvy women. Interactions among lifelong friends of Doris and others create hysterical scenes. Doris puts herself “out there,” much to the chagrin of her judgmental brother and sister in law. She relies on the knowledge of her friend’s 13 year old granddaughter, with fashion tips, places to go, online activities and more. This opens the doors to another series of unforgettable moments.

Despite the humor, the movie delivers many layers of this main character, including the darker side of losing yourself to the in-home care of a loved one, and how clutter and objects with memories overwhelm the psyche.

Along her “I’m possible” journey, Doris encounters a slightly cheesy motivational speaker (played by Peter Gallagher) a concerned shrink, and a series of alternative, holistic, organic characters who accept Doris and graciously welcome her into their circles.

Sally Fields soars with this character, making all of her quirks and daydreams so endearing you will laugh until you cry!

Bottom line… “My Name is Doris” is a must see movie and “Best Actress – Oscar worthy” in my movie goer book. Need I say more? See for yourself.

Celebrate Under a Celtic Rainbow.


Aye… ‘Tis time to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! Travel with me “Under the Rainbow” to discover some of our family’s St. Patrick’s Day traditions that you can also enjoy. It doesn’t matter if you are Irish; the activities are fun for families, children, grandchildren, even couples. (Just think ‘unique’ and adapt accordingly)

1.Create a “Leprechaun Trap.” Using the imaginations of the minds of toddler to teen, we recycle and use household items to construct the perfect trap. Each year we try new things, or let the youngest add her touch. We have never “caught” a leprechaun (yet) but the time we share creating the trap is a family favorite. And yes, “leprechauns” do drop in from time to time on or near St. Patrick’s Day. They leave items such as books, and gold tokens (Amazingly, the tokens work at local arcades). Sometimes they leave candy or goodies, but most of the time they create a bit of a mess. We have been awakened to chairs tipped over, and things out of place as the leprechauns scurry about the house…

DSC073552. Gold Coin Hunt. Think of this as an “egg hunt” but using gold coins. They are hidden throughout the house or whatever location we might be at around St. Patrick’s Day. (One spot looked a lot like a Disney hotel.) At the toddler stage, it was fun just to “find” and drop them in a small pot, but as the kids have grown we use the coins to “buy” time or adventures, not “stuff.” Examples: 5 gold coins for a movie and popcorn with mom and dad (Yes, they still want to do that.); 5 gold coins for a game night choice (you get the idea). To make it fair, each child is supposed to find a certain amount of coins. Once they have reached the limit, they help their siblings.


3. Rainbow Art. The projects change from year to year, but the idea remains. We use colors from the spectrum to create our own individual rainbows (paint, paper, yarn, fruit, candy — the options are endless) and then select a favorite Irish Blessing to accompany it. These simple art projects have become family “treasures.” The creativity and quality time improve each year


4. Dance, Sing or Play Music. Whether it’s using our own instruments, or air guitar, we play favorite tunes, and dance…together…on our kitchen “dance floor.” “DJ Daddy” spins tunes on holidays and/or family fun nights as he takes requests from a wide range of ages.

5. “March Madness.” Technically it has nothing to do with St. Patrick’s Day. However, it is a March Tradition that falls just after the holiday. Create your own household “March Madness” friendly competition. Incorporate board games, maybe an indoor basketball hoop contest, snowman building (depending on YOUR weather), or anything your household enjoys together.

I will leave you with an Irish Blessing from the McCormick family to yours…


May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow.

May the soft winds freshen your spirit.

May the sunshine brighten your heart.

May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you,

and may God enfold you in the mantle of His love.


Don’t Doubt…DANCE it OUT!!!

DanceItOutWhen in Doubt… DANCE it out!

Can you hear it? No, not the “voice in your head”silly. The Music!!
It’s always there within your reach. Everyone has a song or tune that speaks to them, touches their souls and inspires their inner well-being.

So… what’s your “signature tune?”

You know the one, the song that — no matter what — you will sing out loud in your car or shower; the one to which you will always get up and DANCE!

A playback button pushed or keyboard clicked will start the music that may be the one thing needed to create new ideas and chase those troubles away. So turn it up! Crank the volume and DANCE.
Okay, full disclosure. I am Dance Teacher, so music is an important part of the job, but I’m also a Wife, Mom, Writer and Editor so I’m tossing an eclectic mix of “personalities” into the world. It can get a little stressful at times, but I have always been one for multitasking. Music & Dance have been and always will be my default solutions to my challenges.

Thus my motto: “When in Doubt…Dance it out!”

To me, MUSIC and DANCE combined is actually the solution to nearly anything.
– Let’s say you have a PowerPoint of important graphics/sales forecasting, or photos from your recent vacation. Watch it for one minute. Now add MUSIC and watch it again; any difference?
– You are on a road trip to your next sales meeting, in a convertible (because it sounds fun), top down. Yes, the sound of the wind whipping through your hair is nice, but turn up a favorite tune? It is SO much better.
– You have been wracking your brain with an overwhelming problem to solve. Play a little music, and you may just find the answer. It’s the standard ‘walk away from a challenge; take a breath to get a fresh view’ technique with a little zing to make you sing.

Consider a myriad of everyday events made better by music and dance:
-The movie trailer with the voice overs, but without dramatic music? No Way!
-The sports event without the musical interludes, or cheers…Not even…
– The climactic scene in a thriller video without drums beating or ominous music… I don’t think so.
-A bride walking down the aisle in total silence… weird.
-The world famous university marching band entering the field quietly… can’t even imagine!
Dance is all about steps. Heck so is life, family and business. So listen to a favorite singer or band and begin moving forward, one step at a time. If you are the more adventurous type, you could even add a leap or spin… oooooh!
Make some noise! Get some ideas! Build your business! Have fun with your family!

Don’t Doubt.

Dance. It. Out.
Ps: Animals love music too! –>

The Heart of a Princess

©2015 Dancinmoma

©2015 Dancinmoma

Inside the heart of every girl…there is a princess. This princess is the holder of her own strength and faith. For within her, she can find that place where magic happens. She has inner beauty, dreams, hope and plans to make the world a better place (with or without a prince). The sparkles on her tiara are reminders to look for the good in every speck of dust. For even the finest diamond comes from a large, dark piece of coal. When she finds this shimmer, she can send this light out into the world to warm the spirits of others.

This princess works hard; she listens to her friends and celebrates both sorrow and joys with them. She helps others find their inner sparkle. That light can take her through the dark times, but her favorite thing to do to make things better is to….DANCE!! Yes. Dance!!

To dance like a princess is to express oneself and yet be unified with others in the simple JOYS of moving across the floor or just twirling in place.

Spreading happiness…

Listening without judging…

Helping others…

Letting her light shine…

For it only takes one simple gesture of pure kindness to ignite someone else’s light….


This heartwarming video captures the true essence of the bond between a mother and child. If unconditional love could be defined without using words… THIS is the answer. 

Every MOM understands this… no matter what our differences. We are all unique and have gifts to share with our children and the world. 

What is YOUR gift?  YOU are a MOM and your child/children love YOU as YOU (even if they can’t see you).  They are pieces of your soul that share unconditional, pure love with YOU.  Could they find you in a line of moms using only touch and smell? I think so. 

You are a MOM. You are BLESSED. 

Grab your tissues and watch here—>


copyright 2015 Dancinmoma

I’ve realized recently, that I seem to be on this journey to find connections; connections that are meaningful, soulful and flawed…like me. I’m not talking about romantic connections…just heart to heart moments that mean something when you walk away, so that you can actually feel better about the world and know that we are ALL imperfect but loved.

By taking a moment to talk with people with different backgrounds, different feelings, unique stories and thoughts… you can learn a lot about yourself and others, but only if you truly LISTEN. Unfortunately, human nature allows individuals to immediately judge a person, even while you are talking directly to them! It is hard not to let that inner ego/selfish voice within take over, but if we learn to turn that negative voice down or mute it even, your heart will OPEN even more… You may even change that person’s life.

Can’t we all just be imperfect and flawed together, without judgement?

To me the world is NOT and never will be… black and white. There are far too many layers of each human being to truly KNOW them. Think of the many intricate parts of each person that is wired differently, based from perception, to self-worth, to their past and what they have learned from each obstacle or challenge they have faced.

So I’m on this mission share good things when the thought pops in my head or an opportunity presents itself to friends, family and people I may not even know… In fact, I told a construction worker yesterday, that his joyful smile and wave, as I pass through the road work construction every day, literally makes my day! When I ran into him at a gas station nearby, I didn’t have to say anything, but I felt the need to within myself, so I did (as maybe, just maybe, he needed to hear that). His response was very humble. “My mama always taught me that a little smile can go a long way!”

Yes it can.

All it takes is one tiny spark to light the fire within.

So I challenge you to join me on my quest to find connections in the world, to see humans in a better light. Say something nice, that you truly mean, to someone today… or offer up a smile to a stranger…

YOU may just make a difference.