The Heart of a Princess

©2015 Dancinmoma

©2015 Dancinmoma

Inside the heart of every girl…there is a princess. This princess is the holder of her own strength and faith. For within her, she can find that place where magic happens. She has inner beauty, dreams, hope and plans to make the world a better place (with or without a prince). The sparkles on her tiara are reminders to look for the good in every speck of dust. For even the finest diamond comes from a large, dark piece of coal. When she finds this shimmer, she can send this light out into the world to warm the spirits of others.

This princess works hard; she listens to her friends and celebrates both sorrow and joys with them. She helps others find their inner sparkle. That light can take her through the dark times, but her favorite thing to do to make things better is to….DANCE!! Yes. Dance!!

To dance like a princess is to express oneself and yet be unified with others in the simple JOYS of moving across the floor or just twirling in place.

Spreading happiness…

Listening without judging…

Helping others…

Letting her light shine…

For it only takes one simple gesture of pure kindness to ignite someone else’s light….

Heart “Beat”

"Heart" filled Sky“The heart.

The beat.

To start your feet….”

A couple of lyrics’s from on old song called, “That’s Dancing” by Henry Mancini. What I remember the most from dancing to that song is the beginning heartbeat….thumping….thumping….like the sound of a drum, along with the clickety, higher pitched sounds and rhythms from our tap shoes.
(In fact, I’m dancing some of those steps in my kitchen. Right. Now. Hey. It’s my floor.)

But this also made me think about our own internal “music.” That precious heartbeat that rhythmically travels through us and literally keeps us moving. Our hearts beat to different rhythms in each of us. It responds to our feelings and our activities, our thoughts and our movements.

Place your hand over your heart, over your child’s heart, over your parent’s heart. Stop. Listen. Feel it. Hear it. It’s a GIFT we carry around everyday. We literally owe our life to it in a physical way, yet if we listen in a soulful way….you can hear the whispers of LOVE….when your heart flutters at simple moments in your life.

On this Valentine’s Day, embrace your heart, your passion, your LOVE in whatever way YOU want.

Listen to the “heartbeat” of YOUR internal drum