BROKEN (Five Minute – Free Write)

IMG_7497 (Edited)

Shine On

A fragile vase sits upon a pedestal, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight through
the window, when all of sudden BAM! The window breaks, as a ball propels it forward
onto the hardwood floor. It is broken. Pieces seem to be strewn all over.

The vase will never be the same.

Is there strong enough glue to keep it together?

Will it retain the water to feed the flowers that are placed inside of the vase?

You can hear the crunch of the glass, as the ball rolls to a stop and the final pieces fall…clink, clink, and crunch. Then there is a mysterious…Silence. The parts are brushed together into a small pile… sharp edges, flawed, and imperfect. Waiting… Wondering…

Suddenly a warm healing light appears that will help restore its splendor. This light of strength sees the magnificent beauty of the pieces. With the strength of a father and heart of a mother, this Shining Light gets to work. The pieces are glued one, by one in a unique and beautiful pattern. No, it will never be the same fragile vase it was before, the initial core is the same, but this vase has even MORE strength and beauty from within.

There is LIFE to it again. It will no longer be placed up high on a pedestal. It will sit at the family table and breathe in the miracles around it. Flowers can again be placed inside to be nurtured and cared for. That “vase” which was once broken and lost has been now been found and RESTORED with eternal love.