A Letter to Santa

Letter to Santa

©2013 Dancinmoma

Dear Santa,

You have been that one constant throughout the ups and downs of life. You are a symbol of what “could be” in the world, if we could all just BELIEVE…


in JOY.



in LOVE.




You have taught me to believe in something bigger than this earth. You have taught me that GIFTS aren’t always what they seem. True GIFTS are what make a person smile, holding the hand of a loved one, listening to the laughter around you, and spending TIME with those that lift you up and love you.

Thank you SANTA for continuing to share your MAGIC with children and adults from each generation.

I BELIEVE in your “Spirit of Christmas” and I always will…

Love Always, Pam

P.S. Merry Christmas!!

That’s a Wrap!

©2013 Dancinmoma

©2013 Dancinmoma

That’s a Wrap…

There was peace in the air, as the kids were away.
Mommy grabbed her coffee and decided to wrap today.

She sat by the tree, nestled in the paper and bows.
She wrapped and tied the gifts with love, as only Santa knows.

Several minutes went by and she wrapped it all up.
She smiled with each gift and drank from her coffee cup.

She hummed a tune, and then looked around the empty room.
Disney Junior was on the TV! Ummmm… Boom!

She laughed and chuckled, as she shared her “MOMent” with friends.
She typed up some words and then pressed “Send.”

Together they giggled about her Christmas wrapping time.
Next time, they said, you’ll need some “Mom Music… with WINE…” 