“THREEPEAT” after me…

In this fast paced, complex world of technology and social media, let’s remind ourselves, our children and those around us to USE these three simple manners we learned as toddlers.

Magic word

Simple Manners that SHOULD last thru time (no matter HOW old you are):

“ThreePeat” after me:

1. If you need help, if you need something, if you need anything, please just Say PLEASE.

2. Be grateful for the actions of others, be humble, if you receive a compliment, if you appreciate something, Say THANK YOU.

3. If you mess up, and we all will once in a while….Say I’M SORRY.

A simple concept, that surprisingly needs to be used a lot more! Especially with adults. 🙂

Dancing in Gratitude


After an all around bad day, filled with bad news for our family, I found myself internalizing these negative thoughts. I needed to hold a strong front for my babies. (Okay, they range from 13 to 3, so they’re not babies but I welcomed them into this fascinating world and to me they are walking miracles.) I continued to harbor those negative feelings within. I was clearly having problems with my internal volume control, so I reached out. All I did was send a simple tweet to my Social Media Girlfriends using their hash tag. It wasn’t directed toward anyone in particular, it was just a little cry for support. I walked away, feeling a little better for releasing some of my internal negative dialogue.

I tended to the kids, folded a couple of towels, filled a glass with milk, and watched my daughter twirl in the three skirts she had just put on. It was all in all, just another precious day. But still the bad news was hanging over my head, like a villain waiting to attack my “non-superheroish” (if that’s even a word) cape.

There was a long silence until my three year old danced in with my phone…

I looked at in complete and utter AWE… it was lighting up with tweets of support, diva dust, hugs, and encouraging words from my social media girlfriends. I started crying. It was the good kind of cry, the one that pats you on your back, taps into your heartstrings and places a quilt of calm to protect you. I honestly couldn’t believe the support out there in social media world, but it’s not surprising from a group of simply fabulous and inspiring women.

Tweets of Support

Tweets of Support

It was a VIRTUAL social media GIRLFRIEND hug. It came from all areas of the country, of the world. It was a moment of clarity, of support, of friendship, and I physically felt it.

In the words of #smgirlfriends, the #diva dust was tossed out for more support. It was as if a magic wand passed over me to ignite my strength to carry on. My social media girlfriend #divashield was officially up to tackle the problem. It is amazing how three hash tags, and a multitude of supportive 140 character tweets simply changed my life, especially on this bad day. For that I am TRULY grateful for Dabney Porte and the fantastic group of Social Media Girlfriends. You all LIFTED me up with words of encouragement. THIS is how the POWER of Social Media should be used.

Thank you, friends…from the bottom of my heart. Today you gave me wings (in the words of our dear friend Dabney) to “SPARKLE and SOAR!”

Dancing in Gratitude with Love,
Pam McCormick (aka @Dancinmoma)

Last… (Five Minute Free Write)

Time is so fleeting, as we watch our children grow and our parents get older…tick tock, tick tock…we are growing with them. We count in months, days, hours then minutes and seconds.

If only we could make each precious, precious moment LAST forever.

The birth of your precious miracles, school days, sunsets, celebrations, dancing, singing, sunrises, laughter, love and faith filled praise.

Baby baths, cleaning sticky fingers, wiping down muddy toes, wiping faces, butterfly kisses, giggles, cuddling, and so many little, yet big snapshots in life.

We CAN make those moments LAST forever.  We carry those precious moments in our hearts and minds daily. In the patchwork of life…we may be tattered and torn sometimes but the threads and stitches hold us together when times get tough. Some of the most creative ideas can happen LAST minute. It’s amazing how a time crunch can quickly bring those thoughts to the forefront. We need to make each second count.

Enjoy the moment… in the moment… and it truly will last forever.

So what does the word “last” really mean?

To me, it’s not about being at the end of line or the one that didn’t win. It’s about holding on and holding tight. It’s about making fleeting moments LAST forever in your heart and mind. It’s about unconditional, never-ending, LASTING LOVE.

15 Definitions from a “DancinMoma.” Are YOU one too?

Are YOU a "DancinMoma?"

Are YOU a “DancinMoma?”

Are you a “DancinMoma?” No, not a trained dancer, but a parent on the move with a child (or two or three) in tow. If you are a “DancinMoma”, or know one who is, you should also know that there is a certain grace these individuals possess and masterful techniques they use to weave through a typical day.

Here are a few “DancinMoma Definitions” to ponder; have YOU experienced any of these?

The Pointless Pivot

Walking into a room with purpose.

Forgetting why you came there.

Pivoting the opposite way.

Remembering why you were heading there in the first place.

Pivoting again.

The Drop, Duck and Roll

The maneuver executed while walking through the living room covered only by a small, post-shower towel and hearing a loud knock on the front door from a delivery person!!

Maneuver is normally followed by a 30 second pause behind the couch, then a cautious peek.

The Trip Walk

Walking purposefully and alone to your destination, passing people and smiling confidently, then tripping, running three steps, and continuing as if you “meant” to do that.

The Tippy Toe Toy Hop

Inadvertently stepping on a Lego® creation or small toy.

Ow! Jumping! Hopping up and down holding your toe.

Happy S”hour”er

Extremely rare, uninterrupted time in your shower that feels like a frozen drink by a beach.

The Split Side

Stepping a flat, slippery object such as a magazine (Left by your spouse, no doubt). Then, while struggling to regain your balance, splaying the legs into an unconventional split you did not know you could still do.

Laser Spy Mission

Arriving from point A to point B in a playroom without hitting a toy.

The Baby Sway Stray

That side-to-side motion used to rock your baby that you do it even without your baby.

The Hip Dip

Closing doors or drawers with your hip while carrying a child in one arm, bags in the other, and cradling a phone in one ear. (Caution: only trained ‘DancinMomas’ should attempt this.)

Mac and Cheese Mambo

Stirring (and 1, 2) providing direction, repeating that direction (and 3, 4) without “boiling over.”

The Dip & Dunk:

Bending over to pick up item on floor and shoot a basket across room into the appropriate container or basket…. Score!

The Shuffle Shovel

Holding items in arms while maneuvering your foot to collect and slide things scattered on floor into a neat pile.

Cha Cha Chew Chew

The amount of time (1,2) allowed to eat your dinner — cha-cha chew chew chew — after everyone is taken care of.

The Splam

That moment when you walk away from a conversation only to run into a door or side stage wall… Splat is what it is normally called. If your name is Pam, however, like me…. the “Splam.”

Five Minute Flail Fail

The 5-minute warning that evolves into 15 to 30, or more, as you motion to

your child with flailing arms that it’s “time to go!”

Please Define YOUR “DancinMoma” moments below and add to the list!