
copyright 2015 Dancinmoma

I’ve realized recently, that I seem to be on this journey to find connections; connections that are meaningful, soulful and flawed…like me. I’m not talking about romantic connections…just heart to heart moments that mean something when you walk away, so that you can actually feel better about the world and know that we are ALL imperfect but loved.

By taking a moment to talk with people with different backgrounds, different feelings, unique stories and thoughts… you can learn a lot about yourself and others, but only if you truly LISTEN. Unfortunately, human nature allows individuals to immediately judge a person, even while you are talking directly to them! It is hard not to let that inner ego/selfish voice within take over, but if we learn to turn that negative voice down or mute it even, your heart will OPEN even more… You may even change that person’s life.

Can’t we all just be imperfect and flawed together, without judgement?

To me the world is NOT and never will be… black and white. There are far too many layers of each human being to truly KNOW them. Think of the many intricate parts of each person that is wired differently, based from perception, to self-worth, to their past and what they have learned from each obstacle or challenge they have faced.

So I’m on this mission share good things when the thought pops in my head or an opportunity presents itself to friends, family and people I may not even know… In fact, I told a construction worker yesterday, that his joyful smile and wave, as I pass through the road work construction every day, literally makes my day! When I ran into him at a gas station nearby, I didn’t have to say anything, but I felt the need to within myself, so I did (as maybe, just maybe, he needed to hear that). His response was very humble. “My mama always taught me that a little smile can go a long way!”

Yes it can.

All it takes is one tiny spark to light the fire within.

So I challenge you to join me on my quest to find connections in the world, to see humans in a better light. Say something nice, that you truly mean, to someone today… or offer up a smile to a stranger…

YOU may just make a difference.